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Amazing Feet > Glycerin and Honey Extremity Remedy
Glycerin and Honey Extremity Remedy

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Price: $12.00
Availability: in stock

Glycerine and Local Honey and essenial oils work overnight in this special formula to pamper overdry, overworked, and overtired feet and hands.  Slather it on at bedtime and cover feet / hands with socks / gloves.  Use several consecutive nights to start treatment, and then 2-3 times a week as needed to maintain.

Net wt. 4 oz


Copyright 2000-2024 Rhode Island Spa Products, Saltitude Essentials, Buttonwoods Bathworks, Equestrian's Garden.  All rights reserved.

Rhode Island Spa Products, PO Box 885, Manitou Springs, CO 80829  rispapro@yahoo.com

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